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Experiencing Dv. Can I Leave With My Kids? (ma)

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I am experiencing DV at the hands of my husband of 14 years. We have two children of the marriage. Over the last 6 months, his abusive behaviors are escalating. Some examples: holes in walls, grabbing my throat, throwing things at me, and screaming at me and the children.

I tried to call the police during the most recent instance but he calmed down by the time police arrived and I was an emotional mess so it was somehow turned on me. He said I was acting out and having paranoia. He didn’t get physical this time but I was so scared he would, that I called. Unfortunately nothing came of this.

I am trying to safety planning and think I need to leave with the kids while he is at work and get a lawyer. I can’t do anything while he is home because he is following me around and monitoring my conversations. Can I leave with the children or will this affect custody in the divorce? I’m scared.

submitted by /u/tiredflapjack
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