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Fall Outside Keybank On Buffalo, Ny

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I was visiting Buffalo from Canada and attending a concert at the Keybank Centre and tripped on the curb on the way in. This was my first time visiting and it was around 9pm last Fall (dark). It was a pretty major surgery at the trauma centre (ambulance) and I needed a second surgery in December and am still using a wheelchair. Being my first time there, I'm curious if lighting was indeed a factor. I was holding my husbands hand and my right leg caught the curb but my left knee was greatly impacted (2 ruptured tendons, broke knee in half, dislocated knee and shattered shin). The impact will be lifelong unfortunately and I'm living with chronic pain, cannot drive, need assistance to bathe, have a handicap placard. I'm from Canada.

submitted by /u/Front_Shirt2408
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