Fl How Do I Kick My Boyfriend And His Family Out Of My House?

Hello, im a 23 year old woman and I have a one year old daughter. I’ve been living in my current apartment for about a year and a half with my boyfriend and toddler. His family recently went through hardships and ended up crashing at my place. It was fine at first, but that was a year ago. Fast forward , two out of his 4 brothers sleep on my couch, and his mom has also sent all of their mail here. I am absolutely miserable. They don’t clean or cook (bf included) and they smoke weed in my house when there is a small toddler. They do put a small portion for bills , but I am working two jobs and in school. I buy all of the groceries, house hold items, etc while buying the necessities for my child. I have called my local police station , and they told me that even though my unwanted company are not on my lease (bf and his mother included) i couldn’t just kick them out because they’ve “established residency” please help me , I don’t know what to do.
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