Former Supervisor Retired And Sending Vile Letters About Me To Current Office Staff
Obviously, there is a lot more history that is too long to unpack here.
My former supervisor retired a month ago. We had, what I felt, was a great relationship. I am now the current supervisor. Her departure was dysfunctional. She personally sent me two emails that were pretty awful, the second one was downright vile (I actually have refused to read them but got a summary from others that have read them).
This was bad enough, but now she has begun to write letters to office staff (not anyone in the team I supervise, yet). The letter that was sent to an office staff is a good friend, and 90% of the letter was stating horrible, vile things about me.
Some of the things she is saying is rooted in some truth (frustrations we would share together about the office in what I thought was a safe place to vent-she was my supervisor!), but then blown way out of context.
My guess is she will not stop sending these letters and she will wait until the dust settles so it all gets rehashed again. Yesterday was awful at the office, with hardly any real work done because I had to spend the day supporting others about what she’s doing.
I know she isn’t breaking a law per se, but is there something that could be done?
Thank you!
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