Found Fake Email Reports About Me On Store Computer - Can I Use Them [pa]

Hi, I need to know the legal aspects around this.
First I want to clarify a few key things:
- I live in PA
- I work as assistant manager.
- I work in a retail store. We have a computer in the back for “internal” communication. Everyone can use it, it has no password.
- These emails were left open on the computer.
- I already have an EEOC appointment coming up later this month about this store manager and the bullying/retaliation
So the other day I used the computer as usual and noticed my manager’s email had been left open. A draft to HR/regional management was open. The draft was a fabricated documentation about me (the store manager has been retaliating against me for a long time). On top of that a second email had been sent about me to a different corporate manager. So in total 2 fake NOBs.
I took photos and printed both out, as they are a relevant (retaliatory) paper trail for whenever I will hire a lawyer or for the EEOC.
Any legal aspects I should be concerned about regarding copying or printing these emails out or using them as evidence? I believe I read them due to the manager leaving them open on the computer. So if anything I believe they are breaching my privacy rights, since any employee could have read those.
Thanks in advance for your help!
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