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Ghosted By Non Profit For Unfulfilled Grant

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Hello, Last year I applied for a grant to help with the vet costs for my dog who needed back surgery. I went through an application process, gave them copies of my financials, they called 3 personal references of mine and approved me for a $6500 grant. They had me sign a copy of grant acceptance which I have asked for but the non profit ghosted me after I emailed them that I was upset at how they were handling things as they were not fulfilling the grant as they said they would at that time had not made any donations to me. Finally, they started to venmo me a few hundred monthly, and I thought "great at least they are going to follow through" but December was their last transfer and that totalled $2800 of the $6500. I have emailed numnerous times asking the status and letting them know I made a huge financial decision based on them approving me for this grant which has been a frustrating experience.

Is there any recourse to get them to pay the remainder of the grant to me? Does anyone know if they are in violation of anything? Especially refusing to give me a copy of the signed grant paperwork.

Please help. My dog ended up incurring about 15k more post his surgery and finally I had to put him down which has been devestating. I am really upset this non profit ghosted me and really acted like as soon as I got them my paperwork, they would start reimbursing me.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/NoEquipment8167
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