Girlfriend Is Talking Like She Wants To Split And Idk What Legal Right I Have To Our Kid

So me and my girlfriend (not married obv) have a kid and currently live together. Shes been talking like she wants to split up and be apart. But idk if I have any legal right to our kid. He has my last name but I know since we aren’t married it makes it hard for me to get anything. The big problem though isn’t that I just want to be able to have him more than a day or two in a week. The problem is that she has a history of being physically violent. She lashes out on me. Punching, kicking, shoving and smacking. Even at times when I’m holding the baby. She’s even tried to pry him from my hands when I try to protect him from her. Recently she punched me so hard in the side and it still hurts over a week later and I can barely work. Bad news is I have no proof. And I haven’t even told anyone about it because I thought she’d change. But this has been recurring behavior for years. I really need some help because I’m honestly scared if she gets angry she may harm him in some way.
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