Girlfriend Took Thousands Of Dollars Of My Items On Vacation To See Her Family And Decided Not To Come Back.
My girlfriend and I lived together in Louisiana. She went to PA to visit her family for Christmas, and she took one of my laptops (Worth ~$1800), accessories for the laptop (~$500), and luggage worth around $500. I had also just recently paid for tuition for her school of $1200 to begin school at a nearby college.
I let her use these items with the understanding that she would be coming back in a week. She left on Monday, Dec 23, and was supposed to fly back on Monday, Dec 30, but instead sent me a text message stating that she wouldn't be coming back.
I am wondering if there is anything I can do to get the physical items back and be reimbursed for the money I spent on her tuition, whether its through filing a claim through claims court, criminal charges, etc, or if I am just screwed out on it.
Thank you in advance for your time.
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