Hit And Run In Apartment Parking Garage

We have assigned parking spots in our parking garage. The front of my brand new car got hit by, I’m assuming the people beside me. I had parked my car Saturday night and when I went down today, Monday, to go to work I saw that there were deep scratches to my right front bumper and part of it pushed in. I didn’t go out at all Sunday because I was feeling sick so I know for sure it got hit in the parking garage. Whoever hit it didn’t leave a note but I was parked with the back in and with the way the damage looks it’s more than likely the people to my right that hit my car. There’s a car that’s consistently there and there’s another car of theirs that sometimes changes (black Ford, white Honda and silver Honda). I checked the cars today and it COULD be the white Honda that hit my car but I’m not entirely sure. I asked my landlord for the security camera footage and he said he’ll send it to me but I haven’t received it yet and I don’t know if it even caught it- I will follow up again tomorrow. If I don’t end up getting the camera footage or it’s not clear on the video what happened, would I be able to file a hit and run with the police department? I don’t want to get insurance involved and can pay for the repairs out of pocket, but I want to find out who actually hit my car. Would filing a hit and run actually get me anywhere in trying to find out who did it?
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