Hit By Off Duty Cop While Walking
Last night, while I was walking across my apartment complex parking lot an off duty cop that lives there hit me with his truck. Luckily he had one of those newer trucks where the brakes lock when you’re about to hit something because he mentioned that he didn’t see me but felt his brakes lock. My friend was in their car and saw everything and hopped out to check on me. The guy that hit me immediately jumped out to see if I was okay and gave me all his info, phone number, license, insurance, and apartment #.
I was shaken up and crying after it happened but physically I felt okay so decided to just take his info and try to enjoy the rest of my night.
My friend said I should probably still get checked out for injuries because they sometimes don’t appear right away.
If there are any injuries I’m just wondering what I would need to do next..
Edit: forgot to mention I live in Florida
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