Hospital Canceled Contract With Employer Without Cause. They Are The Only Hospital In Town, Meaning I Have To Leave Town. (arizona)

I was previously employed by another physician working at the only hospital in a town in Arizona. I had a contract with that physician, who had a contract with the hospital, so I was not employed directly by the hospital. The contract was canceled without cause with less than 30 days notice given. I have a pretty stellar reputation with staff and referring physicians at the hospital, and there are a lot of complaints about me not working at the hospital anymore. No disciplinary actions. There have been no complaints brought to me regarding unsatisfactory performance or requests for improved/changed performance. The hospital brought in a locum company to replace us. When I asked administration about the possibility of providing some work through the locums they initially said yes, but then later said that wouldn't be an option.
I moved to this city for the work and own a house, and am now basically being forced to sell my house and leave town to find other work. The hospital has a history of canceling contracts like this, but previously has generally provided for people to continue working with whatever new group comes in, so this is a bit unusual.
Main question: Do I have any legal recourse to damages? The hospital seems to have definitely broken the contract illegally, although the contract is not directly with me but with my employer.
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