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I Don't Think My Husband's Income Was Considered When I Reapllied For Medicaid Benefits. This Was A Mistake. Now I Qaulify For A Medicare/medicaid Duel Plan Bc I Just Got On Disability. I'm Panicking Because I Think This Is A Felony?

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I think this is due to incompetence on the part of the people who signed me up for Medicaid. I did not do this on purpose.

I signed up for Medicaid before I was married.

I suddenly lost my benefits a couple of years ago, and I had to call back to reapply. I reported that I was making 0 income because I was disabled and unable to work and in the process of filing for disability. My medicaid plan with 0 copay was extended and I thought nothing of it.

Now I come to learn that my husband's income well exceeds the lomit for the benefits I've been given.

On top of that, I finally got disability. All the paperwork in the mail is telling me I now qaulify for a duel plan with medicare and medicaid.

I have no idea what to do. I tried calling the medicare people and explaining my mistake, but the lady wouldn't really help me with it, I don't know what to do.

I think I accidentally commited a felony and I'm kinda scared.

submitted by /u/Oblivions_ending
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