I Found Out I Was Falsely Accused Of Sa

I’ve had a girlfriend, many years ago in high school, broke up with her in high school. I broke up with her pretty harshly, (yelling, insults) and I had heard after that, she took to her friends, my friends, practically everyone she could get ahold of to spew bad things about me, but I did not know that she would go this far so I did not think much about it.
I got a job at mcdonalds for the summer in between where I graduated from college and was going to university. There I was told that my ex girlfriend works there and that they have a strict no harassment policy. Was confused why they would say this as I completely moved on and forgot about her at this point, but I figured that she had talked bad about me to them as well. It was obvious they hated me and I got sent home many times, then fired after 6 months for being 1 minute late to shifts too many times (obviously bull).. But I had also swept this under the rug.
I now am fully in my adult life, and had an altercation about a year ago that lead to police being called. Nothing happened, but when I was in the cruiser the officer said “oh he’s a trouble maker”.. I was really confused because I have had no prior convictions or charges other than one youth charge that had been cleared separate from this. I peeked onto their computer because they had my file open, and I see something sexual something dadada. I am in utter disbelief and in denial, thinking this is some sort of glitch on their computer, maybe it was one of the other people and I’m reading it wrong?? No.
Months after this incident I catch up with one of my old high school friends, and he tells me everything. My ex girlfriend has been telling everyone that I SA’d her, I abused her, beat her, basically every worst thing under the moon. None of this has happened. And it clicked. All of these things that have happened are because I just let her say anything about me to anyone and slid it under the rug without me asking around or trying to defend myself.
She had literally told the police all these lies perhaps in some attempt to ruin my life in a fit of rage and she has to stick with her story of lies now. I now am fearing for my future dream career (police) or any other jobs in the future, and I am furious that this is even on there because they had not contacted me about any of this, laid any charges, did not give me any sort of fair trial to prove my innocence, nothing.
And now I know what I saw on their computer that day was real and was the reason they called me a “trouble maker”. Can I sue her for defamation? Is this lawsuit even worth it? Is there anything I can do? Will this even affect my career in policing? I am feeling completely lost on what to do, or if I even have to do anything.
By the way, I live in Ontario, Canada and not USA
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