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I Got Hit By A Car And She Ran

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I (16f) was riding my electric bike to school on Thursday and a woman turning into the side street I was passing, hit me. She stopped and asked if I was okay and then got in her car and left. I got mild injuries, my bike is completely broken, and the cops aren’t really going to look into it unless I find camera footage or find the ladies car that hit me somehow. My friends mom is a paralegal and said she’d file the property damage claim for free; but we need the info. help!! How should I get camera footage or any proof of anything? It was about 5 blocks away from a main road and she was coming from that direction, so im thinking maybe if I looked at the footage from that time id be able to identify it and go from there. I have a general description of the vehicle too but like VERY general so im hesitant to even talk to any police further.

(Side note; literally NO cops showed up when I called 911. I told them it was a hit n run and only the ambulance and firefighters showed up. I’m a MINOR that was on my way to SCHOOL and the lady hit n RAN. And the kicker is; it happened on the SAME CORNER as a POLICE SUBSTATION. no cops, snd the one that did take my statement was a fucking state trooper. FYI: I was not on the highway or interstate or anything. The legal system is so annoying like thats important hello?? Priority case?? High profile??)

submitted by /u/DoubleDipt_31225
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