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I Have A Stalker And Nm Legal Aid Said Its Not Stalking

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I had dated a horrible dude 2.5 years ago which ended in sexual assault, it took me 6 months to process once I did I had a school no contact order we had worked in Housing together. It had expired I was let go from housing, I found a new job at my universities library, and then he starts walking through the library every day. Then he started to talk to my boss, and eventually the enviorment becomes so uncomfortable I quit my job and go to work at the tutoring center. Over that summer I had to add a part time job, so I did and he saw where I worked and began popping up there. Then using his vehicle to drive aggresivly around me, I report this to Title IX to have on file. Come up to the present day, housing sends horrible dude to my dorm even though they know we do not get along and that he SAed me, and that I have complained about him. I refiled the no contact order at the university, and now he is parking outside of my apartment every day when he never used to before. He parked into an illegal lane one time and I called campus PD to move the car, then the next day he parks his car even closer to me and it becomes intimidating and scary.

NM legal aid is saying what I am going through is not stalking, even though I applied for a TRO and I was successful in getting one before the hearing. I feel like if I didnt have a case, I would have been dismissed by the courts. What I am saying is a summary of what I am going through, I have documented what I am going through extensivly, and I have taken pictures of the vehicle.

If you guys are interested in helping me please comment.

submitted by /u/Parking-Reaction3000
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