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I Reported My Rapist To The Police Today

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The rape happened a while ago but it took me a long time to recognize it for what it was. Knowing what I know about this person, I have many reasons to believe he will do it again and again until he is held accountable. So I went to the police and told them everything.

I am terrified. I’m afraid of the backlash, I’m afraid of things not going to plan and having this wreck my life. I’m afraid of everyone in my community knowing that this traumatic and very personal thing happened to me. I’m afraid he will hire an expensive attorney who will make this all go away and he’ll be free to continue hurting women.

I guess I’m looking for reassurance that sometimes the justice system gets it right with rape cases, or any advice on navigating the legal process or what to expect. Even what to expect as worst case scenario outcome. Any insight from professionals who have experience with this or other survivors who have been through the legal process.

Thank you. I am based in the US

submitted by /u/Other-Nectarine3951
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