I Went Inside An Apartment And Found Horrid Conditions And Cats Eating Each Other
My neighbors moved out. They left behind suspected 8 cats but we've only rescued 4 so far. The apartment is disgusting. I couldn't breathe even through my scarf it smelled so bad. The officer said he's smelled body decomposition and this was worse. I noticed two children's beds and confirmed 2 kids had been living in these conditions. CPS said I can file a report but it won't go anywhere because they aren't going to respond. They said since they've moved and I don't know where they went other than a city, they can't do anything. I'm at a loss. The cats are going to be euthanized if I don't find a rescue or foster within 24 hours. This situation is so bad, and the smell I swear, I can still smell it. I've lost all faith in humanity I think. I can't believe CPS isn't going to help me check on the girls. I took one of the cats to a vet that accepted her. They cleaned her wound and determined the other cats were eating her. They were all starved. She was the worst one. I am sick. I reached out to the woman that lived there, the childrens grandmother. She gave me a number to one of the girls that is now 18. But the number doesn't work. She told me the girl can't talk in front of her mom. I confronted her about the condition of the apartment and she blocked me. I know something is wrong, I can feel it, but I have nowhere to turn for help. I'm so sad. I'm disgusted. I'm infuriated. I don't know what to do.
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