If Your Car Gets Towed, You Never Go Get It, Then The Tow Company Sells Your Car To A Lien Company, Do You Have To Pay That Company For The Tow And Storage Fees If You Don’t Want The Car?
I sold my car to a friend about a year ago, and I kind of got life thrown at me, had to move, lost the slip so my dumb ass and never took my name off the registration. But that’s beside the point right now.
The car was towed and the guy I sold it to just abandoned the car.
Now I’m getting calls from “Lien Enforcement Inc” claiming I owe them for the tow and storage fees.
Neither me or the guy I sold it to want the car, so is there any legal reason to pay the company that has the car?
The person I sold the car to feels terrible and is ok with paying but we want to make sure it’s necessary.
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