Il - Company Laid Me Off And Won't Communicate With Me About Company Laptop Return.

Hi, this question seems to be slightly different than those posted to LA before about company laptops after a layoff and I was hoping someone might be able to help.
I was laid off in early December and my company sent me a shipping label for me to return my company laptop and phone. I emailed them stating that I don't have a car to take the package to a shipping store to ship back to them and they would need to either arrange pickup for the package at my home or reimburse me for an Uber or public transportation to the shipping store. Basically, I am not paying out of my own pocket to return company property after they laid me off. It is their responsibility to cover that. They agreed, said that they would look into home pickup and other options, and then ghosted me.
It is now early March, and I have followed up with them several times, stating that I am more than happy to send the phone and laptop back to them if they will either arrange for parcel pickup or reimburse me for travel cost, and they blew me off with a "let me see what we can do" once and then stopped responding to me.
How long should I wait before the laptop and phone are considered abandoned/I can wipe and repurpose them for myself? So far, it has been from December to March and they stopped responding to me in January. I feel I've done my due diligence by cooperating with them and offering them options at every turn, and they have not responded or moved forward with any of those options.
Thanks for your help in advance, it is much appreciated.
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