Injured By A Special Needs Student On The Job... It's Been Almost A Year And My Injury Is Still Not Resolved. I Don't Know Where To Go From Here. Please Help! In Michigan!

Last year I was a full-time special education paraprofessional. I worked 1:1 with a nonverbal student and helped another para on my time when my student was absent with her 1:1. The coworkers student has ASD and would display extremely manic, violent behaviors most days. We would frequently switch out with them to help alleviate the stress of the situations and to try and help redirect. Anyway- this coworker ended up quitting (that's how bad it was and horrible it was to deal with the parent), and I was re-assigned to this student since they knew me fairly well already. In preparation, I was included in multiple brainstorming sessions with our SPED director, caseworker, and a caseworker from our local ISD to ensure the most success for the student with their accommodations and for me to be made fully aware of their BIP and IEP. I already knew it was a high-intensity situation, and the parent was near impossible to work with. After only contacting twice, because we absolutely HAD to the parent told the school and our sped teacher that we were "not allowed to contact" them during school hours because they worked. Ummm what?! First, I'm wondering how that can even be a thing?
In April of 2024, my student started the first 5 minutes of the day great. Out of nowhere (no change in schedule or anything new that may have set them off) and they eloped. (We are CPI trained at our district and have a specialized team there that I am part of.) I caught up to them quickly and was able to redirect into our special education classroom, instead of going back to their gen ed class. This day I spent the entirety of the school day attempting to redirect extremely violent behaviors and unsafe behaviors that could have [potentially injured the student. The student ended up injuring me, though at the time, I couldn't even begin to know at which moment it happened because the entire day was absolute insanity and my adrenaline was rushing. We went through the same thing the next day, making whatever happened to my shoulder/arm 10x worse.
Here I am almost a year later and I've had to go through FIVE Ortho doctors to figure out what is wrong as I am still experiencing immense pain/swelling after 2 rounds of PT, 3 MRIs and multiple x-rays. Paras are contracted through an outside company at our district and the staffing company was HORRIBLE to me when I filed workers comp. After the first doctor and them pulling me around, I decided to go with my own insurance. The latest doctor is amazing and I finally have answers!! I got a steroid shot in my shoulder joint yesterday and was informed i have multiple labral tears in my shoulder and will most likely be having surgery. Due to this injury, I was unable to secure a summer job to supplement the lost income as we do not work in the summer. Now, with the possibility of surgery, I will again be losing income and essentially food right out of my children's mouth. Is there anything I can do from a legal standpoint? Who would be held liable?! (per the title, I am located in Michigan)
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