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Injuries Due To Security Staff Not Understanding My Condition, After I Was Placed In A Location By Other Facility Staff

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Hello. I have a condition that effects my mobility, causes involuntary movements when I am overload and stressed & speech issues

So I was at a large sporting event just above courtside. I had a wonderful time with my son and was in a terrific mood.

I am able to walk with assistance about 25 yards or so.

Because I received the tickets from a VIP (a player & his family) I was treated to special attention. Basically an escort and regular checking on me. It was wonderful and likely I would not have gone to the game without it.

After the game I was directed to stand with my son to an area near the tunnel but off and out of the way while a staff member went to get my wheelchair.

I had earplugs in which I use to help with the disorientation of chaotic and noisy public areas.

Not long after being there an assertive security guard approached me and and was very alarmed by my presence. He told me to move immediately. I told him I was hard for me to get very far and where did he want me to go. He grabbed me tightly by my arm and this triggered some more involuntary movements. (even without contact my arms will extend and move unpredictably. Primarily my left arm). He then started yelling at me and started using his other other arm to pin me against the wall. I told him I told to be there by staff. But my speech issues were exacerbated and may not have been very easy to understand. I was upset and told him to F off.

He then attempted to move me but my left leg does not move normally as it doesn’t communicate with my brain (I have a degenerative brain disease). My struggle to move may have made it seem like I was resisting. My son was trying to intervene and explain everything and begged him to be gentle.

But instead he forced me to the ground. I have weak torso and next. I used double forearm crutches to hold me up and help walk the short distances.

i was unable to keep my head from smacking the concrete and cracked open a nasty wound that bled a lot. I also dislocated my shoulder. But must of all I was just heartbroken. I only see my son a couple times a year as he loves overseas and we have shared a father son love of this team. I used to be a season ticket holder and he was my main little buddy to go to games with me for many years.

The injuries have healed. but was hard. The heartbreak is still there and I’ll probably never go to another game again. I still have back and pelvic issues as something just isn’t right now with that area of my body. I’m not a good candidate for PT unfortunately. But now sleeping through the night is painful and my sleep is disrupted by the pain.

The staff showed up with my wheelchair and were furious with this security guard. The guard was emotional and felt terrible. I now feel bad for him as well.

But even the staff member who was helping me is telling me I should sue.

I have never sued anyone in my life. I’m just not letigious. But I’m in the fence here.

My questions are 1- Do Inhave a strong case? 2- How should I start? I don’t have any attorney contacts or personal knowledge of a good one. I would want a true professional. Not a “guns blazing blow hard” but a methodical, experienced, effective professional. How do I find such an attorney starting from no scratch?

submitted by /u/vfam51
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