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Is This A Lawsuit Worth Pursuing?

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My wife and I purchased our first ever house this past December in the Dayton, OH area. We absolutely love it and are extremely happy with everything up until this point. We've had a lot of snow since we moved so we didn't notice that a giant sink hole was forming on our property until the snow started melting.

It's at the end of our driveway about 15' off the road. When we moved in we could tell the grass in that area was newer compared to the rest of the property but I thought maybe they had an old flower bed there or something that they got rid of.

Apparently I was wrong. That area is now a 5'x5' sinkhole about 3' deep that is caving in on the side of our driveway and is encroaching about 2' into our driveway and looks like it could continue getting bigger. Water is actively flowing down there that I can physically see. It's almost like it's an underground stream but also could be all the excessive runoff from so much snowmelt. There is also a culvert/pipe about 10' away nearer the road that goes underneath the driveway and leads into a lake that the neighboring property has. I guess it could also be runoff that is supposed to be going toward the culvert but is somehow redirected to that area on our driveway.

I started looking back through all the photos I had when we were looking at the house and on Zillow and you could definitely tell some work was done in that area. I decided to go back through Google street view and lo and behold there is a picture from 7 months back before they listed the house of a giant pile of gravel right where the sink hole has formed. I'm guessing they knew there was an issue and tried fixing it before listing the property.

I went back through our property disclosure agreement and where it asks "do you know of any previous or current flooding, draining, settling, or grading or erosion problems affectina the property?" They checked No.

What are my options here? I've asked a couple close friends and l've got differing views from go directly to the previous owners and see if they will pay for it themselves first and then others that have said do not say a word to anyone and go directly to a lawyer. I've never had to hire a lawyer before so I wouldn't even know the first place to start. What type of lawyer would I want to reach out about this? And would the cost of a lawyer even be worth it compared to the cost to repair it ourselves?

One other caveat is that it just snowed again today right after finding this sinkhole so the sinkhole has been hidden some. I'd like to wait for everything to melt so I can see the full scope of the problem but I also don't want to run into an issue where we wait too long and it's too late to recoup anything from the previous owners.

Any help is appreciated! Thank you!

submitted by /u/Jgrizzy3
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