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Just Been Disqualified For My Dream Job Due To A Police Citation I Received When I Was About 12yrs Old.

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I, mid 20s M, have been disqualified from a job I have been working years to get. To get to the point, the reason why it happened is because of a citation a middle school police officer gave me when I was about 12. I was walking home from school with friends and we stopped to hang around a stop sign where we were repeatedly jumping and hitting it for fun. Some teacher happened to drive by as we were doing this and saw me being the last one to reach up to the stop sign, she put her window down and yelled at me to stop so I did and walked away. Hours later our middle school police officer shows up to my house saying that he got a call from the teacher that I was vandalizing the stop sign, and he was claiming that I had wrote “Norte” (a gang) on the stop sign because that’s what he saw when he reportedly went up to the sign. He wouldn’t leave my home until I forcefully confessed something. I explained to him what really happened but he told me he was just going to do his job and gave me a citation. I don’t even remember if I was required to sign anything. It legit went in the system, my record, everything. There was no follow up or any fines and as I grew up it was a memory I completely blocked out because everything happened so quickly and was never brought up again (Hence why I didn’t remember to talk about this situation to the job). But now that i’m looking back into it, I was basically accused of vandalism and gang affiliation with the only evidence being a teacher saw me under a stop sign, there was no investigation into whether I really did it or not it seems like the officer just took the teacher’s statement and ran with it and gave me something that stains my record permanently. Is there any legal action I can take in any way shape or form? Please help me out and if it seems like i’m asking something dumb please forgive me, I don’t come on reddit to post/ask but I figured I do this time just to get some advice before talking to someone certified.

submitted by /u/Disastrous-Ad4225
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