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Just Moved Into New Place But There Are Many Issues That Have Occurred In The First Week. Can I Get Out Of My Lease? I Live In Texas, Usa

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I just moved into a new house, I'm trying to get custody of my kids after their mom lost custody to the state. I moved in on Monday and I stayed the first night but couldn't take a shower because when I used the bathroom it flooded into the shower through the drain. And there was no hot water. The issues were they ran the sewer drain uphill and didn't connect the wires to the hot water heater but left them disconnected with the breaker on. It took them two days to fix it and I couldn't stay those two days and had to stay with a relative. I came back now that it's fixed and the water is hot and everything seems to be draining correctly but while I was taking a shower the tub slid down a few inches. When I talked to the plumber he told me he wasn't licensed but has been doing it for twenty years.

I'm not sure feel comfortable living here if the remodels and wiring and plumbing are done by unlicensed contractors who don't seem to know what they're doing.

submitted by /u/DirtyWhiteBread
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