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Kid Caught (cited) At School With Vape, Now Weed Cart

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I have confiscated weed pens/carts previously from my son. I have confiscated vapes as well. Last month he was caught with a vape and suspended for a few days. He was cited and has a court date coming in March. He willingly let the officer search the car and his person - nothing else was found. They do not give warnings, hence the court date even though it was his first offense.

Fast-forward to Monday this week. He was in a bathroom stall with another kid (one who has had at least 2 citations for weed already). According to him he took everything so this kid would not get expelled from school. That is possible, but who knows if it is real or a story. The on-site officer called me with the assistant principal on the line. They told me that he could either be suspended for a week or empty his pockets. Well, I asked him to empty them... he had 1 vape, 2 carts/weed. So - is suspended a week anyway with a citation (which he would not have had if I had not told him to empty his pockets). Seems like I made the wrong move there on the one hand, but he will have more repurcussions on the other hand.

So - there are 2 court dates. 1 coming up in 3 weeks (for the vape, ordinance description: "purch/possess/use tobacco/vaping prod to minor-1st" and another coming up in 2 months (for the vape+carts, ordinance description: "possession of marijuana-1st"

Very unsure what to do here. Feel like bad parents tbh.

submitted by /u/covingtonFF
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