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Landlord Is Threatening To Throw Out My Furniture

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I rented a room in a condo from my landlord and at the time she had one other tenant on a separate lease. The HOA made a new rule that they can only have one lease in each condo, but there could be multiple people on it, when my roommate left a few months ago she tried to alter my lease by adding someone to it and increasing the rent then forging my signature on it. I told the HOA that it wasn’t my signature so they denied the lease. Since then she has been a total pain in the ass.

1- she moves in and nitpicks everything. I leave one dish in the sink she complains. She tells me I can’t wear my shoes in the common area. She wakes up early and blasts music or slams doors.

  1. She accuses me of violating lease agreement for having guests without prior notice, when I show her screenshots she just ignores it and changes the subject.

  2. She keeps threatening to kick me out even though I haven’t violated the lease and keeps telling me that I can’t leave whenever I want. When I call her out on the same things she says “you’re free to leave today or tomorrow.”

  3. Now she’s threatening to throw out my furniture in the living room saying I need to move it. I don’t have movers and don’t want to pay for it.

submitted by /u/WaveRunner310
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