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Lawyer Dragged Feet And Passed Statute Of Limitations

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I had a case where my mother was killed in the hospital due to them overdosing her on fentanyl multiple times I spoke to many attorneys, and they all told me that there was a case there. I picked an attorney and over the last two years going through the case we met a couple times. I would text her often and she always was dragging her feet. I have all of the chat logs between us where she told me to wait because either she was on vacation or or was injured, but kept telling me that she would handle it Then turns out that she waited too long, and the statute of limitations had passed and now I no longer can sue the hospital. I was told by my friend who is a lawyer that I can sue this attorney and get my time back to get within the statue of limitations. Is this true? Do I have any ground to stand on? any help would be greatly appreciated

submitted by /u/PhysicsAlternative12
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