Let Ex Have House In Divorce, Now I Just Got A Summons For Foreclosure….

Separated from husband in 2019 after 12 years of marriage, divorced granted August 2021. Did Zoom Court Mediation and came to agreement on how to split assets, Judge signed off and it became official, blah blah blah. I was reasonable and too nice, conceded too much. I agreed for Ex to keep house purchased during our marriage, and he was to assume all debts associated with it. Even though my name was on homestead exemption with our minor children, my name was not on mortgage as borrower or co-signer. We agreed he’d pay me a small amount for my portion of the house, $6000, with payments spread out at $72 a month over 8 years, which he never has…. Anyway, have had no contact with him since Zoom Court mediation, he’s blocked my cell and the kids’, and changed numbers, I have no way to contact him, no idea where he is living now, thought he was in the house but apparently not. I just got served for foreclosure on the house, I was not aware he wasn’t making payments, but they’ve named me as a defendant along with him, though they didn’t even spell my surname correctly multiple times in the summons either, and still have me listed as his spouse even though I am no longer married to him and as of last year have now married someone else. Ex was supposed to remove me from homestead and such, he didn’t I guess. Divorce papers said he got the house and assumed all liabilities and debts with it, not sure why that wasn’t found in discovery, it’s filed at Clerk of Courts and available to view online. Digging around after getting the summons for foreclosure, apparently he sold the house for $10 to some company back in 2023, and I have no idea how he could sell it without satisfying the mortgage, but he did. Server has not been able to locate him to serve him the summons for the foreclosure yet, nor has Child Support Enforcement been able to find him for other matters he’s been neglecting. Though I do know he is still in area, I get word here and there of him trashing my name by claiming I’m keeping him from kids yada yada yada, which isn’t true at all.
Right now, I don’t have the money for a lawyer, had to have emergency neck surgery in November and it wiped us out, things are beyond lean right now. I am trying to connect with local Legal Aid, waiting on call-back but don’t have too long to wait before I must answer the summons.
How do I respond to the Court and submit proof I am not responsible for the remaining debt owed? I do have a copy of our Dissolution of Marriage that shows he assumed the liability and debt of the house, is that enough? How do I write the response to submit with the documentation I have.
Any advice is appreciated! I’m sorry it’s a jumbled mess of a post! I haven’t had much sleep and trying to get through to Legal Aid since last week when I got served has me pretty frazzled.
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