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Life Insurance Claim

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I'm hoping this isn't going to be to long but back when I was 15 I started dating this guy. I'll call him Adam for the sake of this post. I didn't have the best home life at that time and he knew that. I ended up moving in with him and his family by the age of 17.

When I was 19 he bought us a house with the help of his family. We were both young and dumb and drank a lot which caused a lot of strain on our relationship and things even became physical. A few months before I turned 22 I broke it off with him. Not an easy thing to do after 7 years of being with someone. We tried to stay friends but when I tried to set boundaries with him it just caused more issues, he started waiting outside my work, and my roommate called the police on him when he broke into our house. I never reported this and told the police I did not want to press charges because I still cared for him and loved him. We stopped talking after that. We blocked eachother on everything.

When I was 23 I signed into my old discord account and saw him on there, I ended up messaging him and we talked about why our relationship didn't work. He told me he will always love me even though we could never get back together due to our history and I told him that he will always be my true love and that I would never forget him.

Fast forward 7 months, I'm now 24, and my phone is just being blown up. I silence the first two calls from my best friend but when she calls a third time I decided to answer. That is when she told me that she saw Adam's obituary on Facebook. I can't even explain how I felt in that moment. I already knew what happened when she told me because out of those seven years I was with him, I can't even count how many times I stopped him from ending himself.

Later that night I message his grandma and his mom, at the end of the message I said "I would like to go to the funeral" they both told me not to show up. Which really hurt obviously. The next day I went and had lunch with his grandma. She told me that she thinks that I have every right to show up but that if I do, Adam's mom and sisters will start something with me and so out of respect to her and Adam she asked me not to show up. I said okay and asked if she could let me know where he will be buried so I can go say goodbye and get my closure in private. She told me that he has already been cremated and will not be being buried.

On the day of the funeral I took a long lunch and his grandma sent me the link to watch the live recording of the service. So that's what I did. She also grabbed me one of the service papers and is mailing it to me. While I was watching the the live service they started playing a sideshow of pictures of him and his family cropped me out of every single picture. That hurt but I'm trying really hard to stay respectful of the family because they just lost a family member.

All of this really hurt, I tried staying respectful of the family. I kept telling myself that they are also in pain and need someone to put the blame on and that person is me. I'm got myself through it by telling myself that what they did to me was wrong but I'm not going to hold on to any anger towards them.

About a week later, I'm again at work and get a phone call. I was told that I was the beneficiary of his life insurance policy that he got back in 2018 through his work. The lady said that it's still being discussed if it's going to pay out due to the circumstances of his death and that she would keep me updated. She also said "to my understanding you guys weren't together" and I said yes.

I decided not to say anything to the lady that call me but I am a licensed life and health insurance agent here in our state. To get those licenses you have to take four state tests. Two of them being about the law regarding insurance. The law states that if suicide is committed with in the first two yesrs of having the policy then the company doesn't have to pay out. Since the policy was made in 2018, I'm curious on what they are discussing. Also the policy is through his work, who his dad was vice president of before he retired. So I know the family knows that he had a policy.

Here's my questions I have now, 1. Can the company decide not to pay out. 2. Can his job or company tell the family who the beneficiary is? 3. Can the family dispute the beneficiary, and if so, on what grounds?

I also want to note a few things here. I considered giving the money back to the family if it paid out but after thinking about all the disrespect they showed me, and everything that Adam told me about his childhood, I decided not to do that. Also the family is already loaded, I mean they own two homes and go on vacation every year. After how they treated me I feel like this is karma for them.

submitted by /u/TippedChef
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