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Looking For Advice On Business Venture.

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If this is the wrong place please let me know.

I'm looking into an LLC for a business I'm starting to start or myself. What is the ideal way to go about it?

I do a lot of Production, manufacturing, social media management, sales, inventory, customer service, transportation and delivery. I make very good money and well off. But I know I can be making more and doing it the best way possible.

I'd be a subsidiary to a bigger company, making 5 figures a month plus commissionsoff sales, my contract states a salary of $100,000 a year.

The projected growth is very promising as we have been getting bigger, that we have discussed eventually moving the company to Puerto Rico (tax purposes) in two years.

It's an up and coming company that I'm taking on duties from and off the CEO, pretty much being trained and taught how to operate the company in his absence.

And on a side note, would appreciate also any advice on how to properly invest my earnings as I'm making more than what I know what to do with, I'm so simple and minimalist, that I don't spend much on myself.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/Acrobatic-Arm-1868
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