Mom Is Trying To Kick Me Out Of My Room
I'm 20 years old and I'm on winter break from college. I do not pay rent. I go to school 3 hours away from home and am only staying here for a month. My mother and her bf (our landlord) wants me out of their home. However, my mother receives section 8 and I am on the voucher. Her bf receives money from the government to cover her rent and my mom doesnt pay her portion of the rent because she's dating the landlord. If my name is on the lease and section 8 voucher can she kick me out legally? My mom is also threatening to remove my stuff from my bedroom and move my brother into the remove the second I return to college. Is she allowed to remove my belongings out the room? Is she allowed to break into my locked room and relocate my things? I am really stressed and do not know what to do. I am living off of credit cards right now because my mom refuses to put food in the house and often turns off the wifi, gas and even lights when she is angry. She is retaliating because I called CPS on her for her actions (my two younger siblings are minors). We are located in NYC if that helps.
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