Mother Threatening Grandparents’ Rights (usa- Nj)

As the title states, I live in New Jersey and my mother is threatening to sue (?) me for the right to have access to my newly-turned-3yo son. She used to take him overnight once a week, but that stopped about 6 months ago after several breaches of trust and a lack of accountability and respect for our parenting. At best, she sees him now maybe once every ten days and has gone weeks without seeing him at a time. She is an infrequent influence in his life despite trying to overstate her importance.
Today, she told me I was going to “force her hand” to seek out her rights because I asked for some space. I am 8 months pregnant and she has been causing me extreme stress over the last 6 months to the point where I have been going appointment to appointment worried about the health of my baby. It is heavily suspected that she is a narcissist, for what that is worth, and I no longer want or trust her around my child. She will not have access to our second child either, especially after how little she has cared for his wellbeing.
My understanding is that Troxel v Granville set the precedent that parents have the right to decide who has access to their children, and that in NJ grandparents must first prove harm to the grandchild by their lack of involvement. Our son is so unbelievably loved and cared for and has two other sets of grandparents that adore him. He is missing out on nothing without the presence of my mother at all.
I don’t believe she has any leg to stand on at all here. She last saw him less than two weeks ago, which makes this all the more ridiculous. I was hoping someone could shed some light on whether or not she really has a case. Rather than give in to her bullying, I would also like to block her from contacting my family. Unfortunately, we live 10 minutes away and she would likely just show up at my house if I did that. If it came to it, would I be able to get a restraining order against her? She is the type to harass until she gets her way and I anticipate it will be even worse in this scenario. As she said, she is willing to do “whatever it takes” to keep access to our son.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. We will be seeking formal legal advice this coming week.
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