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Mum Was Gored By A Farm Pig At A Farm Stay Airbnb, Was Encouraged To Interact With The Pig By The Hosts Beforehand.

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My mum was injured in the leg by a boar at an Airbnb. It resulted in her missing out on the next 2.5 weeks of her holiday, as the wound was deep, became infected and she was hospitalised, needing 2 x surgeries. In the Airbnb write up, it encourages guests to get in the pen with the pig and feed it/rub its belly. The hosts when told about the injuries, sent flowers and some small chocolates.

My mum lost thousands due to cancelling future airbnbs and needing to book accommodation close to the hospital. She also had to fly home instead of driving home. Shes needed physio and doctor appointments since coming home and they’re likely to continue for many sessions. What are her legal rights here to get some compensation? She’s a very kind person who doesn’t want to ruffle feathers.

submitted by /u/Level-Wrongdoer-58
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