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My Attorney- Wanting To Swindle Me Out Of Money.

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Am I overacting….. my attorney said his flat fee was $500.00, and I paid him his fee before the court date. I was accused at “going past the threshold” at a garden center store to look at flowers right outside the door with a few items in my basket. At this well known home store it is common that people with their baskets go look at the items on display on the sidewalk in front of the store. I was looking at flowers and waiting for the checkout worker to get back to their post so they could check me out so I could leave. There was a new security working there and long story short this security guard called the police so they could write me a ticket for shoplifting. I was completely in shock. Everyone looks around on the side walk outside the store to see what they are selling. They have flowers, grills, lawnmowers etc. Now I have to pay an attorney to go to court which I cannot afford because I am on Social Security. Then again, I’ll have a bench warrant if I don’t show at court. To make matters worse I don’t have a car at the moment. Any advice?

submitted by /u/Gloomy-Length-824
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