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My Boss Is Being Sued For $200k.

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Not asking for me, but I work for a small business, and the owner has been facing financial struggles for a while now. I answer all phone calls and there is multiple debt collectors calling daily for the past few months.

I am the only office person there currently, and I’ve been promised that they can afford to keep paying me so I’ve stayed put, hoping things would get better for them financially, but still have had my guard up.

I was busy on the phone the other day when I was pretty certain someone came in and served the owner. Then when I got to the office this morning there was a voicemail from a law firm looking to help my boss with a lawsuit that’s been filed against the business by a pretty well known bank, for the amount of $200k

I immediately hopped on indeed and started throwing applications in anywhere I could find for other admin/reception positions. With a lawsuit like this, what happens to the business? Will it get shut down? Realistically with how much this lawsuit is, and how behind the business has fallen, how long do you suspect I have before they take everything and close up shop?

I’m jumping ship as soon as I hear back from any other job, but I do care deeply for my boss, and I worry what’s going to happen. I’ve never been sued before so I know how none of this works. Is my job in immediate danger or do you think I have a few weeks to find something else before this all comes crashing down ? ????

I warned a trusted co-worker about the voicemail and she’s ready to pack up and go now, thinking they’ll come in and start taking assets immediately, and everything in her personal office is hers, not the owners, so she’s pretty worried. And I’m worried about being shut down without warning.

submitted by /u/SnooBeans2524
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