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My Ex Is Stalking Me And Lives Directly Across The Street From Me. What Are My Rights If I Break Lease?

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This is kind of messy but looking for advice. I am in Chicago, IL for reference.

CONTEXT: I (32F) have lived in my apartment that I rent since March 2021. I love my apartment and everything about it. I would stay here as long as I could if I had the ability to.

My ex (32M) moved into the brownstone DIRECTLY across the street from me in 2023 after we dated for only three months. Since then, he became increasingly emotionally and eventually physically abusive. He’s tried to crash my car while I was driving due to his rage issues for context. I’ll spare other details for relevancy purposes. It’s been hard to get out of this relationship considering he is directly across the street from me but I finally made the decision to walk away for good in November 2024. He is blocked everywhere. He has no other friends in the area.

Since then, he has been ringing my doorbell at all hours to “share a bottle of wine” with me or “just looking for a friend”. All of these interactions have eventually turned emotionally abusive. I have since stopped answering the door and have started calling the police anytime he rings my doorbell and collecting police reports. He still calls my phone using No Caller ID regularly. I’ve had to delete a lot of my social media accounts because he is stalking me online. He’s called the police to do wellness checks on me to get me to open the door. I am regularly on edge, anxious, and scared of the next time he tries to make contact with me and sometimes scared to leave my house.

LEGAL QUESTION: I’ve resolved that the only way to get officially out is to leave. However, my lease does not end until October which is understandably a problem. I understand you can break lease if you have an order of protection, which I intend to get on him but have been told it’s not as helpful in my situation considering we don’t live together and the proximity of where he currently lives.

My plan so far is as follows: -Sign a lease elsewhere (I have gone on a couple tours already) -File for an order of protection against him (I am scared to do this first, as he works in healthcare and will affect his employment and thus go into a rage against me) -Provide the order of protection to my landlord to break lease without penalty

Consider we do not live together and he lives across the street, does my landlord have to honor my request to break lease without penalty with an order of protection, or can they contest as he is not a tenant?

submitted by /u/synth-bones
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