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My Ex Is Texting Me Questions About The Kids All Day Now That We're Back In Court.

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My ex-husband and I have joint custody of our kids. He was abusive to me and an absent father during our marriage, and I was solely in charge of the kids. He has a great support and accountability now that's helped him become better for them, and I'm all for that. But I don't like communicating with him unless I have to.

Our custody agreement was made a bit over a year ago and the state automatically adds stuff that's just "the usual". One of the things added under communication states, "Each parent shall return any messages left by the other parent for/by/concerning the children within a reasonable time and no later than twenty-four (24) hours."

This felt like it would be for nessesary things. But since going back to court with ongoing court dates about child custody (the eldest is 14 and is refusing visitations with his dad), my ex has been contacting me an insane amount, which has never happened before. This is some of what he texted me yesterday while the kids are in my care:

"Did 'daughter' and 'son' get into any fights today? Did they yell at each other? You shouldn't let them yell at each other, was there a punishment? What time did they have lunch? That's a bit late for lunch, what did they eat? Chicfila isn't very healthy, what about dinner?"

I feel like I have to respond to all of this because of the way the agreement is phrased, but this can't be normal? I don't contact him about the kids when they're in his care unless I absolutely have to, because I don't want to take away from their time. I'm so annoyed. Do I have to respond to all of this?

submitted by /u/Helpful-Bad7821
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