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My Ex Refuses To Help With Daycare Bill Insisting It’s “not His Problem”

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My ex ( never married ) and I have been co-parenting without a court order for the last 5, almost 6 years. He has her every other weekend and one week day, in that time he has paid for half of 3 months worth of ballet classes, and now has paid for half of taekwondo classes for a year but besides that he does not provide any other support financially for our child. I recently moved and have a younger child ( not with ex ) who goes to daycare in town, my oldest is now able to be picked up and dropped off from the bus from school at daycare because of the move and with her going for before and after school she needs to be enrolled which requires a payment. I have paid for her to go to daycare in the past before she was school age and he never paid before either but I figured I’d try and establish the help required from him now as I don’t believe all her finances should be on me but when I brought it up he told me “I can’t pay that, I don’t need to use the daycare, you do, I can pick her up on my days so if you need help I don’t know what to tell you. That sounds like a you problem”

I informed him I need the money to help with her expenses and if we couldn’t come to an agreement child support would be the next step since it can’t be agreed upon between us and he replied “it’s not my responsibility to help you pay for daycare during your time with our child, I’ve told you multiple times I can watch her which would save us both money” ( because he is unemployed and stays home with his other child though I informed him I’d like them to continue to go to a learning center, especially because I’m the one who 98% of the time has to pick them up and drop them off somewhere as he shares a vehicle with his girlfriend and her schedule conflicts with mine ) “—threaten all you want with child support, I support our child with everything so yes if you want to be petty we can go that route” ( and by he supports our child with everything he means he supports them while they are with him. Any clothing he buys he will text repeatedly to make sure gets sent back to his house because they’re /his/ clothes, he does not take our child to any taekwondo classes unless I specifically ask and even then he’s more unlikely to do so than do it and hasn’t even purchased school supplies the last two years our child has been of school age.)

I suppose I’m just wondering if I do even try to go for child support ( which I’ve held off all of these years because he’s very quick to anger and I didn’t want to disturb any little bit of peace we had made in trying to co-parent ) would it even be worth it since he is unemployed? Right now he pays $93 a month for taekwondo, $123 when it’s a belt testing month, but I fear that if I go the child support route it will only be required he do a base pay of $80 since he is without a job which won’t really help with anything. I don’t know if extracurriculars could be added into the support or what, I just feel very defeated and confused on what my best options are. We are in Ohio, in case that matters.

submitted by /u/Ok-Contribution-3099
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