My Fiancé's Employer Never Set Up His 401k

My partner is a welder in South Carolina and has been at his job for 3 years, after 1 year of employment he was eligible to set up a 401k and did so. Or so we thought. He initially had to go through his supervisor when he became eligible and told his supervisor yes, he wanted to set it up. His supervisor then set up a meeting with the payroll person in his office who set up the account for my fiancé, during this meeting they talked about contributions matching etc. At the end of this meeting my fiancé was told it was all set up and good to go. From there he did what I was always told to do with a 401k and forgot about it. Well recently we had a preliminary meeting with a financial advisor and while going over our assests to present at our next meeting i told him we would need the info on his 401k, so he tried to look for the account info but couldnt find it. I told him my deductions are listed on my paystubs online so we pulled up his and realized there have no employee deductions on his paystubs. Ever. I realize it's probably a wash but I wanted to post here to see if there is anything we can do about the lost accrual or if there are any legal steps we can take to remedy the situation. Thanks!
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