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My Friend Was Over Served At A Bar, And Was Underage. He Crashed And Died 30 Minutes After Leaving The Bar. How Bad Is This For The Bartender?

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I live in a state with dram shop laws fyi. My friend (20) was served by a bartender who he knew. This bartender knew his real age, admits to not checking his ID because she had seen him in the bar before.

They found a fake ID at his crash site, but she admitted to never checking it. He came in with two women, and was served 18 drinks in under 4 hours between the 3 of them. There is also video proof of her signing her own very generous tip on his check, and forging his signature. I will add that while he was in on this "joke", he was also 6+ drinks deep and falling over. She said she continued to serve him despite him being drunk because he had a ride home. He did not. He left the bar and fatally crashed 6 miles up the road.

She has still been working for 3 months no repercussions, but it has recently hit the media and become a bit sensationalized in my town so i am assuming she is at the very least fired now. I am wondering what kind of legal troubles could she face? And why has it taken so long for anything to happen, is that normal?

EDIT: in MA, was trying not to say state because the media has recently picked it up, sorry for any confusion

Another edit: I know my friend made a stupid choice. he should have never drove, i dont need your opinions on that please. he has faced his consequences. i am solely wondering what could happen to the bar/bartender

submitted by /u/cassmcdonough
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