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My Grandma Is Declining And I’m Poa Across The Country

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So my grandma and I haven’t ever been very close but I ended up being her POA (she didn’t really ask permission but it’s fine) because my dad and uncle have died. She’s 78 and lives in Iowa while I’m 22 (f) in Texas. I just graduated college and have my own life happening with work and all that and basically zero free time. Her sister my great aunt has contacted me a few times updating me about my grandmas behavior. Shes being combative, confused, and is convinced she is still married to my grandpa though they divorced 30 years ago. I’m close to him and he lives in TX. She’s skipping her Dr. appts and my aunt is worried that when she does go she will be evaluated and possibly lose her drivers license. She’s had a history of mental illness like being in denial about my dad and uncles deaths and forgetting things like thinking she’s still married to my grandpa but she’s always been nice to me and is overall a good woman. She doesn’t have a lot of money and lives alone in an apartment. I genuinely just don’t know what to do with any of this information or where to start. I feel guilty because she has been through a lot but we just are not close like that and my dad wasn’t involved in my life and ultimately died of addiction when I was 20. I wish I didn’t have to deal with any of this truly but I want to do the right thing for her. I can’t pass the POA along to my aunt because she’s very old. Any advice is welcome because wtf do I do.

submitted by /u/jadygrass
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