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My Half-brother's Birth Mom Is Cyber-harassing My Wife’s Family (texas)

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My wife (24f) and I (26m) are being harassed and impersonated online constantly by my half-brother’s birth mom. Some backstory:

My parents divorced a long time ago and my father remarried the human form of the devil. Let’s call her Stepmom for now, even though my father and stepmom divorced more than a few years ago. Together, they had my little brother (16m). Once Stepmom and my father divorced, it started. She had reported to the police that I had been touching my little brother (at the time, I was 13 and he was 3) and I had to go in for police questioning as a 13yo. Obviously, it didn’t work out for her and my dad won custody. It was radio silence for a long time (for me at least) and my brother lived with us - we got really close also.

A few more years passed and I left for college. My father, being an alcoholic, went on a bender and lost custody of my brother; he had to go back and live with his mom. Stepmom was mentally and physically abusive to him (he won't even talk to me about specifics) to the point where my aunt had to break down a hotel door (with the hotel’s permission) to get to him. He was found malnourished without socks or shoes and she was drugged out.

My aunt took it upon herself to win custody of my brother and made me her beneficiary for everything in the hopes I would win custody of him if something were to happen to my aunt. I don’t know if this is the reason or if it is just because my brother and I are very close (we have 2 other siblings), but she has been harassing my wife and I online for a couple years.

It started with disgusting, racist, sexual messages being sent directly to my wife and I to our phone numbers, Instagram, Facebook, etc from accounts posing as a fictional anime character (it was the same character each time). We had turned everything private, blocked all numbers and accounts we were getting messages from, and not giving her the satisfaction of responding. Then, she started getting creative. She began attacking her siblings, her parents, her cousins, her friends - you name it. It was shrugged off because these people just thought she was insane (true). They have yet to turn their accounts private, however, so Stepmom uses their accounts to get photos of my wife and I. We have told them not to post us on any accounts anymore.

Now, the fun part. She has been using the photos and information she has gathered throughout the years to impersonate me. She has made a TikTok account, an Instagram account, a Twitter account, and has even gone as far as making a Playstation account with my photos on it. She has been using these accounts to harass and threaten people (including minors and people from Europe) in hopes that they will call the cops on me or to get me in legal trouble. She has also impersonated a few other people, but 95% of it is impersonating me. These other people have not been able to file a police report because they cannot “prove” it is her. I tried to file a police report myself, but was also turned away (large city, shitty police). I live in a small town, so I would be willing to try again.

My aunt hired a PI, but he has only discovered that she drinks and does drugs and stays in her house (she also lives in TX) - great for a custody battle but not to prove she is the one harassing us. I have multiple screenshots that have her real name connecting her to the anime alias and to a few of the accounts.

My wife is incredibly overwhelmed with everything, and her family keeps coming to her if they have problems. These issues ultimately stem from me and I am tired of everyone saying “there is nothing you can do”. So, I am asking y’all. If there is truly nothing to do, so be it. I am just making sure I have tried everything.

Now my question: what can I do? Is my best option just trying to file another police report in my town?

submitted by /u/Proud-Lengthiness-53
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