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My Home Appears To Be Owned By My Neighbor Due To Clerical Error

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While listing my home for rent, my realtor turned up a correction affidavit to my neighbor's deed that lists my street address instead of theirs. This was clearly a clerical error on the part of my neighbor's lawyer, because the lot number still points to my neighbor's property.

My realtor is concerned that this issue could scare away potential buyers in the future, as real estate fraud is on the rise in our area (North Texas). My street address shows up under my neighbor’s name through her realtor enterprise software. This could raise red flags for other realtors viewing the listing.
I reached out to the lawyer to inform her of the mistake and ask her to correct it. She refused because I'm not her client. When I pointed out that her client would like to have a clean title, she said her client would need to request a correction affidavit.

I texted my neighbor to inform her of the issue. She said they had found it already and that they filed a correction affidavit. She said she would call the county to follow up. I asked her for her email address and she never responded. I suspect her lawyer told her not to talk to me.

I called the county and they confirmed that the last correction affidavit they received was the one with the wrong address.

To get everything in writing, I clearly outlined the mistake and told the lawyer that it was her responsibility to file a correction affidavit. I CCed my realtor and neighbor on that email (I was able to scrape her address with a background check). The lawyer responded that when she pulls records from the appraisal district, I am listed as the owner for my street address. For reasons described above, this does not clear my title for potential buyers.

My realtor is prepared to report this lawyer to the bar for negligence. Is that an option for us, considering that we are not her clients? Why would this lawyer not fix her mistake right away? Is she potentially trying to squeeze her client for more money to fix her mistakes?

submitted by /u/Realty-throwaway
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