My Mom Was In A Car Accident Almost 2 Years Ago, Insurance Declared The Person That Hit Her As At Fault. Now He’s Trying To Press Charges.
In February of 2023 my mom was involved in a car accident on the freeway where she was in the far right lane driving at the speed limit when an individual in a pick up truck collided with the back of her car due to him speeding off the exit ramp onto the freeway. The guy was initially trying to get her to not call the police (pulling the “we’re the same race” card) but my mom insisted and they showed up and submitted a report on the collision. Over the next 1.5-2 months insurance also did their investigation and deemed the other party to be at fault and my mom was compensated entirely for the accident as well as physio procedures for the next year and a bit.
Fast forward to today and my mom was served at home with a court order stating the individual was pressing charges due to long lasting injuries he acquired from the collision. He is looking to be compensated an amount in the 6 figures.
I’m making this post to seek some advice on what my mom should do moving forward. As she thought this whole ordeal was over almost 2 years ago, yet this guy who was deemed at fault is attempting to press charges. Any advice or guidance would greatly be appreciated !
Note: I’m located in Canada as well
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