My Neighbors Trashed My Yard When They Removed 3 Of My Trees Without My Permission

I woke up a couple days ago and 3 of my trees were already gone. They were about to cut a fourth when my husband ran outside to stop them. We told them they were our trees but they did not agree . So my husband made them stop cutting on our side of the property until they have a surveyor come out and complete a survey of the property. A guy came out the following day to survey the yard and when the stakes went into the ground and the lines were made the tree stumps were clearly on our property. These trees were not just some small plants that won't be missed. They were 70 ft tall and so wide that they blocked the entire side of my yard. Meaning they made a wall in between our property and our neighbors property. They were very ornamental and added a lot of beauty to not only our property but the street we live on. They gave us a huge amount of privacy and blocked us from seeing all the homes to the left of our house. Those trees made us feel like we had our own private sanctuary. It's one of the reasons we bought this house. Because we loved how private and detached our yard felt . These trees also kept neighbors from seeing our house and in our window. We feel completely exposed now. Not only outside but also in our home. The only thing my neighbors had to say about what they did was " I'm sorry but, i didn't think it would be this big of a deal." Her husband not only hasn't not said a word to us about it but he won't even look at us . They are actually upset with us for not allowing them to continue cutting our trees that at they think are "ugly". Her reasoning for cutting down our trees was absolutely ridiculous. Basically she is too lazy to trim back some branches. She offered to buy us two new trees but the trees they took down are irreplaceable. She said we can order two trees from lowe's and they will be here in 2 days. First of all they cut down 3 and secondly i don't want some small trees from Lowe's. I want my 70 ft Cedars back. Now about a fifth of my front yard is a giant empty bed where the trees used to be. It's just a big mound of dirt and sticks and 3 giant tree stumps. They literally have about a foot and a half of property on our side . The rest is mine so this doesn't affect their yard . I told them and the tree Company they hired not to touch anything on my property or the property line again. They had plans to replant trees of their choice in the place of my trees. Which isn't going to happen. I have repeatedly told them in text and in person that we need to talk about this before anything is done there and they disregard me. After everything that has happened and how upset and angry they know we are , they still tried to grind down the stumps. We ran out and told the tree guys once again to get off our property and not to touch anything on the property line or our property. I had to tell them we consider the stumps evidence and if they remove them they will be removing evidence. Seems the tree Company understands that they have F'ed up my my neighbors not only don't get why we are upset , they don't get that what they have done is trespass on my property and damage my property. They are treating me like I have done something to them. I have decided to cut all contact with them. They were at one time people i considered friends and very good neighbors. Now, I think they are major assholes. Instead of looking out my window and seeing my gorgeous trees , i get to see them parking their cars in their front yard like we live in a trailer park. This is going to affect the value of my home. If i try to sell it tomorrow i wont get what i would have for it last week because it has no curb appeal now and because the front yard is trashed because of this. I have been crying on and off for days, I cant sleep because of this. I am also irate at their behavior and lack of remorse. Her "I'm sorry but i didn't think it would be such a big deal" is not an apology. Real genuine apologies don't come with a but. I don't know what to do but I have to do something to protect my investment. If they try to destroy the stumps again or come on to my property I'm calling the police and having them trespassed. Does anyone have any advice? We live in Georgia.
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