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My Retired Parents Neighbor Is Harassing Them And Making Their Lives Hell As A Hobby...they Can't Afford An Attorney And Don't Know What To Do, They Were Just Forced To Surrender Their Longtime Pets????

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My parents live in Henderson, Texas, despite going out of their way to be kind and helpful to their neighbor, she has repeatedly and aggressively harassed them, made them feel unsafe, and successfully made them have to change how they live their lives. Recently, she’s had an issue with their 2 outdoor cats whose only problematic habit is walking through her front yard occasionally (not exaggerating!) Despite the fact that having an outdoor pet is not remotely against city code, she has repeatedly trapped the cats and takes them to increasingly remote places outside the town where my parents can’t find them. Fearing something worse happening to them (even though animal cruelty is a felony in texas) my parents were forced to surrender their pets and are devastated. Because this neighbor takes issue with seemingly any small thing (we're talking being mad leaves from their tree were falling in her yard at one point) my parents are concerned where the harassment and bullying will end, how far she’ll take things now that she won on this matter, and what their legal rights and protections are to keep themselves and their property safe and hopefully ultimately be able to re-adopt their pets.

Please help - small town police and lazy rural DA are refusing to do their job helping with a protective order telling them to hire a private attorney but my family can't afford something like that and we're just feeling out of options but knowing in our gut this has to be addressed and stopped.

Edit: a lot of these comments are missing the point - yes we're upset about the cats but the concern is ongoing bullying, intimidation, and harassment from this neighbor.

submitted by /u/Individual_Bench8512
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