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My Sister Has Told Me She Has Used My Identity When Stopped By Cops

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My sister is a felon, a lot of drug and theft crimes. A few years ago she told me she got stopped and gave them my information but a second cop showed up and was familiar with her and told the officer she was lying. She gets stopped constantly but they don’t always arrest her, how do I check to make sure I don’t have any tickets, driving offenses or anything like that? What sources should I check? I suddenly feel the urge to check everything as I just remembered this happened. I was 19 when she told me, and I didn’t think of the possibility of her doing it multiple times. I have a clean record except for 2 accidents where I wasn’t at fault and a speeding ticket. I’m assuming if she tried it once she’s tried many times. If someone could provide me a list of what I should look into I would appreciate it. Thank you.

submitted by /u/Mysterious-Variety28
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