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My Uncle Made It Illegal For Me To Visit My Sick Grandmother

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This is a very dark story and is incredibly hard for me to write, but I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m a 25 year old woman in Texas that has been taking care of my sick grandmother for the past month. However, a few months ago, my aunt and uncle had her sign a medical power of attorney and updated will, and she had no idea what she was signing. My grandmother doesn’t know how to fix it or really understand how the medical power of attorney affects her life. She is at a point in her life where she needs care, so I have been there every day. My aunt and uncle are trying to use the power of attorney to keep me away from her on the basis that my uncle lives there (he is a truck diver so only on paper, he is never there) and has medical power of attorney, so if he doesn’t want me there I can’t see my grandmother no matter what my grandmother says. My grandmother wants me around. It’s her house. The medical power of attorney is fraudulent. And if I’m not around she won’t get the care she needs. APS already was called and in the middle of an investigation, they were the ones that called the cops because my grandma was alone. The cop talked to my uncle and now the cop told me not to come back. What do I do?

Edit for info: Today the APS woman called me to say she was calling the cops because nobody was there. I told her I was headed that way, and my uncle had apparently come home by the time I got there. He was enraged and sitting in his car. I start walking in to meet the APS worker (he said no, don’t go in) and once I got in he physically shoved me outside and locked me out right in front of the APS worker and my grandma. My grandmother was screaming for him to stop and let me in, and asked the social worker if I could be there. The APS woman left and said she had what she needed after she talked to my grandma, and then the cops came after. I was still very shocked at the fact that my uncle just assaulted me when I talked to the cops, but I told him what happened and that the social worker called the cops. He went inside, talked to my uncle, and came back saying that because he lives there on paper and is her caregiver on paper he had the right to get me arrested if I’m in that house. The cop told me not to come back.

submitted by /u/yoitshannahjo
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