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My Wife Was In An Accident With An Unlicensed Minor Riding A Non Street Legal Dirt Bike. Need Advice.

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My wife was at a 4 way intersection. She was stopped and proceeded when it was her right of way. A minor on a mini dirt bike ran the stop sign onto her path of travel (She was traveling at about 5mph). She slammed on the brakes but it was not enough to avoid the accident. Police arrived on scene and took the incident report and lectured the minor when the parents showed up. They denied ambulance. The minor admitted to running the stop and police confirmed to her that he was unlicensed and the dirt bike was not street legal. She exchanged contact information with the father who was very apologetic and thankful she stopped to call 911. Before the officer finished his report the mother arrived in her scrubs and RN badge. She was rude and started listing possible injuries and implied they will be suing. She then left stating she will be taking him to the hospital to get a full work up for evidence. We immediately reported the incident to our insurance and believe the incident report will be favorable for my wife. Does anyone have advice for preparing for the next step and to defend ourselves?

submitted by /u/Moto_Zombie
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