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Need Legal Advice - Ex Blindsided Me Leaving Me With Mortgage And Car We Were Splitting Payments On.

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(Throwaway account to avoid any blowback from him seeing this)

I'm curious if I have any legal standing here.

My ex and I moved to Wisconsin (Milwaukee) a year ago - not married but were together 5 years at the time. His credit was terrible from a past bankruptcy (yes in retrospect I should've seen this red flag) so I bought a house in my name alone, with the understanding it would be ours. Same deal with a car that we split usage and payments, but the loan was only in my name because he never would've been approved for a car loan.

5 months after moving in he completely blindsided me with a text saying he didn't to be together anymore and had moved out. Have no seen him since. We've talked a few times since but if I bring up any payments or how we're going to split things, he will block me and say too bad it's all in my name so I have to deal with it.

My question is - do I have any legal protection here? Can I sue him for back payment on the mortgage and car or am I truly SOL because it was all in my name? Does a verbal agreement to split a mortgage, car loan and expenses have a standing in Wisconsin?

Just weighing my options here as I've felt really hopeless in just trying to be nice and civil to get it sorted out and seeing if involving a lawyer, or even just a letter from a lawyer, would be worth the cost.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Purple_Design427
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